Monday, May 29, 2006
Islamic Symbolism in Hip-Hop
Who remembers the Last Poets? Notice the writing on the wing of the first angel. (Click it for a larger view).

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Ayan Hirsi Ali and Black Orientalism
I will expand on this idea a little further but for now, here is a post from my blog about the whole Hirsi Ali (or Hirsi Magan) controversy.
Be careful of the company you keep
I will expand on this idea a little further but for now, here is a post from my blog about the whole Hirsi Ali (or Hirsi Magan) controversy.
Be careful of the company you keep
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
the irony of being hassan al-turabi
From Alt.Muslim: By Shahed Amanullah, May 3, 2006
One man's extremist is another man's progressive. And sometimes they can be both at the same time. Take Sudan's Hassan al-Turabi, for example. Long derided in the West as an "Islamist extremist" that, as speaker of Sudan's National Assembly, provided Osama bin Laden with a save haven in Sudan for five years (calling him a "hero" in the process), Turabi is probably best known for his involvement in imposing sharia law on Sudan, a move which exacerbated the 20-year north-south conflict that claimed thousands of lives and was only recently resolved. Turabi also convened a "congress" in the early 1990's of militant Islamic groups from around the world, hoping to foster cooperation in training and smooth over divisions among the ranks. Wielding both a Western and Islamic educational background, Turabi used his scholarly influence and membership in the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic Charter Front to orchestrate the 1985 execution of scholar Mahmoud Mohamed Taha for his unorthodox (read: liberal) Islamic beliefs. But, that was then and this is now, and as Turabi aproaches his mid-70's, he finds himself, at least partially, on the opposite side of the fence. Having fallen out of favor with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, Turabi was jailed and exiled into the opposition, where he now calls for dialogue with the West, sides with the people of Darfur against the Sudanese government, and stresses that jihad should only be waged "in self-defense and not in aggression against others." And now, embracing ideological points that cost fellow scholar Taha his life, Turabi has now gone on record supporting a host of liberal legal reforms regarding women, including allowing Muslim women to marry Christian and Jewish men (citing the experiences of female Muslim Americans), making hijab optional, allowing the testimony of women to equal that of a man, and (just when you thought this debate was over) allowing "pious scholarly women" to lead mixed-gender prayers. "When there is a pious woman," explained Turabi, "she should lead the prayers and whoever is distracted by her beauty should be deemed sick." As expected, this failure of the traditional gender litmus test has resulted in former supporters of his scholarly aptitude in the religious establishment calling for his head. "Turabi should declare repentance," said a statement by the government-supported Muslim Scholars Committee, "or face the sharia hadd for heresy." Turabi has since stood by his statements in the face of criticism, earning respect from some quarters and condemnation from others. "What Turabi is doing is obvious intellectual confusion," complained Abdul Sabour Shahin, an Islamic studies professor at Cairo University. "We have to look at the context of this matter particularly from the framework of ijtihad when it comes to the general issues of women in Islam," responded Turabi to his critics. "The modern and contemporary Islamic discourse on women lags far behind the authentic Islamic rules and principles."
Thursday, May 11, 2006
say salaams to tavis
Welcome new blog member: Tavis Adibudeen at Lantern Torch: Creative Illumination
Sunday, May 07, 2006
black slaves, arab masters
This was blatantly stolen from Tavis at Lantern Torch: I would say that Black Slaves, Arab Masters is a fairly representative African-American Muslim opinion on the subject of slavery and Islam. It is followed up with Attitude of Ahl al-bayt towards slaves
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
muslim activist confronts the needs of the city
Chicago Tribune: Muslim confronts needs of city is a story on the recent and past activities of Rami Nashashibi and IMAN (Inner-City Muslim Action Network).
Monday, May 01, 2006
Dr. Abdul Hakim Jackson in NYC! May 20-21st!
ALIM: The American Learning Institute for Muslims, in conjunction with the Office of the Muslim Chaplain at New York University and the Islamic Center at NYU, is pleased to present
The Seerah - The Meccan Period
A Two Day Intensive with Dr. Sherman Jackson
Saturday, May 20th - Sunday, May 21st
9 A.M. - 5 P.M.
New York University, Thompson Center
238 Thompson Street
New York, NY 10012
Say (Oh Muhammad): "If ye do love Allah, Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
Qur'an, 3:31
The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the last Messenger of God who came to teach us the Truth and how to live according to that Truth in all areas of our lives. By studying the Prophet's (pbuh) life and experiences during the dynamic Meccan period, Muslims can take away invaluable lessons which will help them in their everyday lives.
This intensive Seerah course is an indispensable part of any Muslim's life. It will challenge you to ponder the relationship between the universal and the particular. It will encourage you to learn from the best example in history. It will bring you to new heights in your imaan, but only if you let it.
Come join your fellow Muslims for an enlightening event that will bring knowledge into your mind, laughter to your heart, tears to your eyes, and the spiritual fulfillment that we all need. As Muslims it is our duty to continue learning. We hope that you will take this unique and wonderful opportunity to learn about the seerah during the Meccan period.
Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
Qur'an, 33:21
Register at - http://www.icnyu.org/seerah/
On behalf of the entire planning committee, we sincerely ask for your duas, prayers and blessings as we seek to make this endeavor a success.
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