Friday, February 22, 2008

elsewhere in the blogosphere

The following a blatantly stolen from Kameelahwrites' Black American Muslim Round-Up:

Why are you boycotting ISNA? (Jamerican Muslimah)
Several people have emailed me privately to ask me why I’m boycotting the annual ISNA convention. Before I give you my reasons let me start off by saying the word “boycott” sounds a little strong. Yet when I think about my reasons for not attending anymore they’re beyond simply being “tired of it.” My reasons are pointed and purposeful. They’re both political and personal. Shall we begin?...

The Condition of a Thinking Muslim< (Just Another Angry Black Muslim Woman?)
I personally don’t think that the solution this condition is in building more community centers or some initiative. Rather, I think it is in individuals. What people desire is fellowship and companionship. And that is developed over time as we create ethical friendships of mutual exchanges and trust. I think it is important for our spiritual and religious leaders to teach us to be better companions and friends. We can foster a sense of fellowship and through that, have actual communities that address the spritiual need to be connected, as opposed to being purely based on political and social interests....

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