Saturday, March 08, 2008

to be black, female, and muslim: a candid conversation about race in the american ummah

Also from the blog, All history as reconstruction of the past is of course myth is the paper: To Be Black, Female, And Muslim: A Candid Conversation about Race in the American Ummah


This article analyzes African American Muslims’ experiences of discrimination as they share a common religious community, or ummah, with immigrant Muslims in the United States. Both African Americans and immigrants make up a substantial part of what I refer to as the American ummah. Ideally a symbol of religious unity and solidarity, the ummah in America is marked by ethnic and racial divides. While both African Americans and immigrants contribute to these divides, this article shows how immigrant Muslims enjoy a level of privilege and power over African American Muslims. I demonstrate this through a conversation between three Muslim women: one African American, another Pakistani American, and the third Eritrean American. In this heated discussion, the African American Muslim woman articulates her experiences of racism and discrimination in the American ummah. The way in which the two immigrant women respond only reinforces her sense of exclusion and isolation in contexts in which immigrant Muslims dominate. Her struggles to define and articulate her experiences as black, female, and Muslim position her voice within the broader tradition of black feminist thought and resistance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alloumma ihdina 'ala ssalam. Al islam is for all peoples in the world. I'm French Ma Cha Llah but I am Mouslim that is more important. Allahouma ounçourna 'alal qawmil kafirin Amine bijahi Saidina Mouhammed As Sirril khaliqou wal khalqe. Ya Oummati! ya Oumatti! Unite